Clipper nation, dark times lie ahead. The next few weeks will be quite painful as we continue to be the laughing stock of the league. At this point we are somehow the worst team that just happens to have 4 future hall of famers, that’s quite an accomplishment.

We may win a couple of games, which will help with the pain, but we will lose many close games like the Denver game and it will continue to be soul crushing.

This is what it’s like to be a Clipper fan. It is why there are only 12 of us, because not too many are strong enough to endure the pain.

As one of those 12 fans I ask you brothers to embrace the pain, accept it and know that in some distant future the Clips will win it all. But as I have mentioned some years back (check my post history) it will be the next group once Kawhi and PG are not in the team.

Until then, be strong and go Clippers.

  • doinnothinB
    10 months ago

    I really want to know the truth behind this Harden trade and who within the Clippers organization thought this was the move to go all-in on this season.

    I want to be proven wrong, but it looks like we’re so fucked.