The fact we have already had 4+ rotation players out at once so far this season shows why giving up further depth plus picks for one player is ridiculous. Lavine is showing signs of slowing down but still making 50+ Mill a year. The only trade we should even consider would be to ship off either Vincent or Christie and JHS for Caruso, who’s proven to fit our team. This team needs depth, consistency and chemistry. Not 3 stars and a supporting cast of G league players.

  • LudwigNascheB
    10 months ago

    I’m going to contradict my opinion from yesterday after giving a further look on Lavigne’s career and on our own players.

    I’m still not against a 3rd superstar if one becomes available because as much as I love LeBron undefeated sequence of knock outs against father time, sooner or later we are going to need a replacement for his top 10 player in the league.

    The point here is Lavigne isn’t that player.

    He is good, he is an upgrade, but there are many things here. I loved the way Dlo shoved the Griz player without showing signs to escalation