I guess these two champs being menaces both during lane phase & after is just somehow acceptable & healthy for the game? They either bully anyone with less range than them or refuse to interact & afk farm, have some of the best items, rune choices, safe laning, damage, utility, scaling
If they actually are good on the champ the only way you get to play is if you also picked a mage, they buy doran/tear/lost chapter & they might as well be manaless, they bully enemy mid out & force a response while scaling scott free because they can just harass, stack waves, recall, then walk 20ft to lane or tp back
If by some miracle you are ahead you are ahead you cannot completely shut them out unless they are inting, they are fine with stalling out a game until their team recovers or they just hit terminal velocity & take over, just seems hypocritical seeing as how everyone was up in arms about ability haste rush zed & these two are having the time of their lives
I’m Emerald 2 atm https://i.imgur.com/TbF6uLj.png
But thank you for being a rude person