Okay I’m trying help my father in law setup a security camera by his fence post. The fence post is 430 feet away from the house and is out of 2.4ghz range from the router. I think I may have found a solution but want to get advice before I tell him to comment to anything. Also, maybe someone will come up with a better solution then me. I’m open to pretty much any suggestions. The solution I’m thinking of is a small 2.4ghz Yagi antenna, that then connects to a coaxial adapter to the router. The Yagi antenna would be pointed towards the camera which would be Wi-Fi 2.4ghz enabled camera and solar powered. He doesn’t want wires running out to the fence post, so any wired solutions is out of the question.

  • Extension-Doubt-3094OPB
    10 months ago

    That’s a cool idea I looked at the Nanostation link kit just now, and was pretty excited about it. Has some pretty cool technology from what I read. The only thing that concerns me is that both Nanostations are PoE. I couldn’t find it on any documentation where you could use a different power source. If both are PoE then couldn’t I just run a cat cable down with a repeater to power and use to send video and audio frames back to the router. I really like this idea though. Do you know if I could use an alternative power source to run the second Nanostation down by the gate? The one that would sit by the house could be PoE, but the one down by the gate can’t be. Thank you for you’re suggestion, I really appreciate it.