I assume/understand that this is probably a trial period for leaver penalties. But please reduce or eliminate the penalties for quickplay. I took a couple month break then returned, playing for 2 weeks(at least 14 days). Just now I wanted to leave a Quickplay game because the tank was being so stuck up and argumentative. I’ve left QP games in the past because of people that want to argue instead of play the game.

I have literally NEVER left a ranked game in Overwatch. I’ve endured abuse and throwers just like everyone else. But when it comes to QP, I expect a certain level of cushion. The quickplay MMR is abysmal at best and non-existent at worst. I’ve been back to OW for 2 weeks and have stuck it out in QP, but tonight I couldn’t take it. I wanted to leave a QP match that had a dps and tank that were really bringing the team down. I see there is a timer for leaving, so I wait out the timer. I leave. 10 minute penalty for leaving QP after a break and 2 weeks of gaming, dealing with people and not leaving?!

Please adjust this asap it makes no sense. How can the matchmaking put poor ranked players with masters in QP but then give high rank players penalties for leaving matches with gold dps.

I’m not special, I am just giving my opinion/perspective.