I loved smugmug for many years with custom features, css, unlimited space, reasonable pricing for purchase options and great gallery features that I can set up for each client easily, but lately I feel they are lagging behind, especially with no AI features and having to tag everything manually is getting tiring. So I wanted to know if anyone moved from Smugmug to another platform and if so what are you using? I am not going to be selling through the site anymore either so I am looking for something that has transfer option from Smugmug and smarter features, and especially video storage since sm had no space limit so I have a lot of 4k videos.

Thanks in advance!

  • coni_gitarOPB
    10 months ago

    For things interesting, that’s exactly what I would love to have more organized presence, not just for others, but at least for myself or the team I might be working with. If I uploaded 200 pictures and randomly 25-30 of them are black and white, I would expect Smugmug to have a filter that it can identify black and white photographs, and tag them B&W or whatever I preset them to be tagged as, same with places, it has location information but map view is limited per gallery.