Just wondering,what AMD would need to do…to at least MATCH nvidias offering in A.I/dlss/Ray tracing tech

  • symmetry81B
    10 months ago

    AI tasks can usually be broken up into training which requires a bunch of high precision floating point power versus inference which can get by with less precision.

    Last generation AMD essentially abandoned the AI data center world to NVidia and focused on double precision vector performance to get HPC contracts. This generation Lisa seems to be saying they’ll once again avoid competing head to head in the data center but this time emphasizing inference performance at the expense of training, which they’ll once again mostly cede to NVidia. Since these are the same sort of resources you need to do DLSS I think there’s no reason to think they can’t compete on a hardware level.

    For the datacenter side, once you’ve got your model moving it from one architecutre to another isn’t as complicated as training it in the first place and I’m optimistic about AMD’s strategy there. But keeping up on the consumer software support side is a much tougher row to hoe. As a Linux gamer AMD graphics cards are the best choice for me but I understand that software stability on their closed source drivers is… maybe a bit lacking. So on a consumer level I’m really not that optimistic about AMD translating hardware parity into a good experience for most gamers.