Hi there. I got a shared hosting plan for a website that doesn’t see much traffic these days. It doesn’t cost too much (around $6 USD per month?), but I recently started using DigitalOcean to run a MeshCentral server, and I’m thinking I could save some money by consolidating the website into the same DO server. I’ll probably want to upsize from the current $4/month droplet to the $6 one, and it would still be cheaper than having the two separate services.

Thinking about the migration, the website is a PHP based forum with MySql, so that should be easy enough to port over. I’ll probably want to replace cPanel with something like HestiaCP. DO seems to have its own DNS management function built-in (luckily, my DNS registrar is separate from the web host).

What stumps is what to do about email… I don’t think I want to selfhost an email server. The forum itself will also need to send out emails (registration, alerts, etc) but I don’t think that’s an issue after setting up SFP records. Its how to handle incoming email that gets me stumped. Is there a free way to forward the emails to another email address - maybe a gmail account?

  • tech2but1B
    10 months ago

    Gmail, and add your domain as an alias?