I think there are 4 more winnable games (MN, ATL, AZ, and GB). Given that it’s always been a rebuild project, I think we keep Poles, Flus, and Fields if we get 7 wins, especially if we look okay in the losses.

The team is on the way up, still playing hard, and I think 3 years is a more reasonable timeline.

  • KysorerB
    10 months ago

    No matter what we need a new OC and HC, in my opinion there’s going to be nothing a few more wins on the back end of another awful season will do to change that.

    However, here’s a potential scenario that I think would work and would allow Flus to stick around. If he was willing to transition to a full-time DC, I think he would be much more successful in that role. He just doesn’t have the requisite skill or experience as a HC to get it done, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Many coordinators are great in that role and then go on to suck as HCs, and since he’s taken over the defense full time there is no denying it has gotten much better since Williams was let go.

    Now of course, it’s a long shot this would actually happen because most people would not want to essentially demote themselves to a lesser role voluntarily. But, I don’t see many other teams knocking on the door clamoring for him to be their new HC, so there’s a chance he could be talked into it given the right circumstances.

    Getsy, on the other hand, has got to go. Even more so than Flus, because at least Flus is showing his side of the ball can be consistent week-to-week. Getsy has become glaringly blinded by his scheme and his personal approach to what good NFL offenses should look like. He is refusing to scheme to a player’s skill set, and instead expects everyone to bend to fit his scheme. And I’m not just referring to Fields here, during Bagent’s stretch I felt he was often putting him in some awful situations and expecting far too much out of him. He has consistently shown a troubling lack of ability to adapt/adjust in-game, and also struggles to embrace what works over what he wants to see from the offense.

    Ultimately, all of this is gonna boil down to the McCa$$keys (as it far too often does). If they truly are going to keep their word and allow Warren and Poles to take the wheel, then I’ll have hope the right staff will be brought in. But if they insist on being involved once again and opt to bring in some former NFL “expertise”, then we’re boned. They also may insist in keeping everyone around next year, which is just as bad too.

    Time will tell.