3-4 que min timers. None of my friends are interested it. the rank enjoyers or aram spammers. both found it boring after 4-5 games and they were hype for it and said we need it back

URF/Arena had instant que pops the day it came out until end. (I was grandmaster top 30 so idk if ques were lower for arena for lower mmr)

  • WahtAmDoingHereB
    10 months ago

    they fixed NONE of the issues that were already apparent with NB in its last iteration (they literally ported it without any meaningful changes), they’re not even TRYING to make the gamemode actually good. It’s a shame because I really like the idea of a non-SR based 5v5 gamemode with pick champions. Regular SR is only for tryharding, SR-based fun gamemodes (URF, OFA, Ult Spellbook) get kinda stale quickly for me, ARAM doesnt let me pick a specific champion, arena is great but not a 5v5. Nexus Blitz has potential to fill this left-open niche, but if Riot gives up on the gamemode (it’s blatantly obvious they have), so will eventually the playerbase. Actual fucking bummer but it is what it is