Brain dump of features I think are missing from my first day of use.
- Paste images into documents, and use images as layers.
- Draw shapes
- Turn drawings into SVGs
- I can’t seem to bookmark a page, just favourite something and leave it where I was last
- A list of pages with annotations on would be really helpful.
- Custom templates
- Multi-page template documents
- An SDK - personally I want a newspaper aggregator, a gitlab tool, a GitHub tool, a Jira tool and a markdown/wiki browser/annotator

Great hardware, great screen, but the software is lacking. Let’s see what the next 99 days bring.

  • MnM891B
    1 年前

    Yea the fact it can’t create shapes or draw a line and have it snap straight irritates the hell outta me I’ll be in calculus and we need to doodle a triangle or a graph and I can’t just draw a line and have it snap straight or have the option to create a triangle automatically

    It’s frustrating 😒