I’ve seen a lot of people who don’t want to share and talk about their ideas for fear of them being stolen. I’ve always believed that an idea without implementation is worth nothing. But maybe I’m wrong.
Tell me, have you ever had an idea stolen from you?
Did you really want to do it? Or do you realize now that you never would have made this app/business anyway?

  • cervereB
    10 months ago

    Not sure if this is stealing, but this happened: Company hackathon, Team 2 devs(me+1) and a Sr. sales person (X), we the devs proposed something that’s cool business idea exploiting existing tech, X liked, presented well, we did some coding - All good, we won. Next year, once X is out of the company, X founds a company with exact idea, with spouse, some interns, coffeeshop meetings etc. Interestingly, never officially asked us, in fact had us over for coffee to discuss some technicalities, we didn’t bother/or know how to join when not asked. I think the business ran for 2-3 yrs may be ? X had contacts, so found the market I guess. Not sure what finally happened, X moved on to something else. Well, that’s that!