For me we have rugs for frost traps and Polaroids for pulse we call Monty A-WALL and ace loafs ECT ect so what’s y’all’s?

  • Middle_Ingenuity_260B
    10 months ago

    Jackal: foot fetish guy

    Selmas: meatloafs

    Tachanka: the lord

    Getting interrogated: “there’s a bitch on me”

    Banshees: microwaves

    Oryx: kool-aid man/ tard

    Maverick: UwU man

    Either Italian operator: meatball

    Wamaii : Blager

    Germans: 2 words max description of operator ability followed by Kraut

    French: Baguette eaters

    Clash: Cancer patient


    Gridlock: it varies, but it always suggests that she’s massive

    Lesion: soup man

    Iana: Thighana

    Yokai drone: pizza box

    Mozzie: midget

    Mira: that other bitch with the shield

    Vigil: orphan

    Thorn: angry leprechaun

    Razorbloom: nail bomb

    Nokk: swamp lady

    Capitao: blackitao

    Flores: I won’t say it lol

    Ela mines: ice cream cones

    Azami: azamommy

    Fenrir: fenny