For me it’s the option to individually lock apps.

  • fabrictmB
    10 months ago

    Everything I’ve read so far are great, and some I’ve noticed and wanted, others are things I didn’t know android phones could do and would be nice. So as not to repeat what others have wrote, I’ll throw in my possibly 2c. I would like the ability to choose whether BT devices auto Connect or not. It’s just a mess for example if you have your phone and your spouses paired in a family car. The phones fight for connectivity. If you turn BT off you’re cutting off your …Apple Watch let’s say or my hearing aids. Here’s another one related to this. If I have music playing through a BT speaker and then walk away temporarily out of range of my phone, my hearing aids would have disconnect and when in range again music switches to the hearing aids instead of the speaker. There are other examples but these two I happen frequently.