Does anyone else, especially on an old account like mine, feel like overall game quality has gone down over the years? I’ve been gold IV or V 6 times in the last 8 years and in the last year or two I have felt like I’m put in an extraordinary number of games that I do not have influence on, that losers queue is for sure a thing, etc. My friends have quit ranked so I have no one to compare experiences to.

I used to be able to play 40-150 games and slowly climb back from around S3 to low gold solo for the skin. Now, I feel like I’m in way too many games that I’ll lose whether I play well or not. Maybe I’ve gotten worse tbh, but let me know :) thanks!

  • MuffinSundaeB
    1 年前

    Been playing since season 2. The years I played ranked (some years I just played norms with friends all season), I climbed more than I did the previous year. This year I have reached my peak in high master originally starting in bronze back in season 3. The games feel much higher in quality than back in the day, especially around the emerald (old plat) MMR. That said, players nowadays have such bad mentalities and mental boom at the slightest thing. Especially around diamond, it feels like the team with the strongest mental fortitude just wins.

    Regardless, if you feel like you’re not having influence in games then you simply aren’t improving past your current rank. Yes, some games are unwinnable because of your teammates but those are in the minority. If Faker played on your account do you think he’d get stuck in gold? Of course not. I’m not saying you have to be Faker to climb, just be better than your average gold player. I promise you that loser’s queue isn’t real. It’s just made up by salty babies who shift blame away from their own tilt/poor performance. Focus only on how you can play better, don’t worry about your teammates at all. The more you blame your team, the more you’re ignoring working on your own flaws. If you’re good enough, you’ll climb given enough games.

    I used to be one of those silver players in season 4. Complaining about my team, flaming them when they messed up, etc. Once I stopped doing that and started focusing on my own mistakes, I shot up from silver to diamond in like 2 months. It was insane how many mistakes I was making that I didn’t realize.