Why 50%? Because the right one fails within just a few months of use. Consequently, I returned it for repairs, and they resolved the issue at no cost! Skipping ahead to two months later, the right one is once again malfunctioning.

  • shubashubamogumoguB
    10 months ago

    All tws are e-waste junk,

    I partially agree with you. partially because I still have a pair and want to believe they will keep working for a few years.

    I think they just pushed technology and design too far. you won’t find a single TWS model that doesn’t have complaints of poor battery life or one side dying within a year. the battery is just way too small and the ones they put in TWS are basically duds (poor QC cells) that didn’t make the cut for use in medical equipment.

    even a big company Sony has a tonne of TWS battery issues.

    but yeah I think next time I need to buy, I think I will go with one of those with a wire connecting and larger battery cell.