I think most people believe that for WBG win, TheShy is gonna have to put up a big carry performance, hence top lane matchup would be very important.

So if they have to blind pick, what do you think Zeus or TheShy would blind pick? Both of them have shown counters to Aatrox(Zeus yone and TheShy graves) so I dont think thats blindable. Rumble would most likely be banned. So I think gnar, ksante, renekton, but TheShy probably can only carry on gnar and renekton seems really bait pick. Maybe Zeus can blind jax into double adc if TheShy doesnt show a better counter(gragas instead of quinn?)

    1 year ago

    Bin played Aatrox so badly that people that never played aatrox think that graves is a counter. I’m ded.