Either all home electricity with data being gathered near/at meter, or targeting a specific point, like your home-lab consumption or particular devices?
I’m just looking for helpful tools to help visualize and monitor energy consumption.
Either all home electricity with data being gathered near/at meter, or targeting a specific point, like your home-lab consumption or particular devices?
I’m just looking for helpful tools to help visualize and monitor energy consumption.
I personally use a combination of…
Per Circuit Monitoring: https://static.xtremeownage.com/blog/2023/home-solar-project-part-3-monitoring/
Sonoff S31s for individual devices: https://static.xtremeownage.com/blog/2023/sonoff-s31-low-cost-energy-monitoring/
A few HS300 Power Strips: https://static.xtremeownage.com/blog/2022/kasa-powerstrip-as-pdu/