Hi, With my batch 7 prep mail out, it’s getting in my mind again. And I’m still debating between the 14” m3 pro 18 512 model and the Framework 13 R7 with a 1TB SSD and 32GB of ram. Can’t decide because they both have pros and cons. The framework will cost 1429+~170=€1600 for ssd and ram and the Mac with student discount will cost me €2000. And with the better battery life and screen etc. I’m still debating with myself and can’t choose :( So my question is how do decide because I can’t find a definitive choice for myself. Thanks already for the answers

  • bufandatlB
    10 months ago

    You shouldn’t look at the hardware but at the software. For what will you use the laptop? What Applications do you plan to use. Are there Mac specific things you plan to do. Or do you have windows specific tasks. Or even would Linux the best platform for you.

    If price is not a factor the software that supports your daily work the best will should be the decider.