Hey everyone, I am following up on my post from last week, and releasing a 70B version of DreamGen Opus V0.

What is collaborative / steerable story writing?

You can find more details about prompting the model in the official prompting guide. Make sure to checkout the examples, like “You can stop time. What will you do?”, “Natasha Romanoff and me…” or “The mischievous Coven”.

In summary: It allows you to describe a story, generate / write a part of it, and then further steer the story with inline instructions, like:

(Initial description of the story)
(Can include character description)

(Previously generated or written part of the story)

(Inline instructions describing how the story should develop next)
(The model will steer it in the direction within the next few sentences / paragraphs)

How to do chat / role-play?

Very similar to regular story writing, but:

  • In the story description, mention that it’s written in the form of a dialog or in first person (depending on preferences).
  • Preferably include character definitions.
  • After ``, kick off the chat / role-play with 2-3 example dialog turns, using the format you want, e.g.:

See the examples tagged as “chat” from the official guide linked above.

How to try it out

The model should work great with any tool that supports the Llama 70B base model.

The model is large, therefore not everyone might be able to run it locally. To that end, you can try it for free on (at least while I can support it :)).

What’s next

Last time I asked the community what I should work on next (you can still vote here). The most requested thing was better support for creating & sharing characters, both on the tooling side & model side (there’s tons of headroom when it comes to data, etc.) — stay tuned for updates in the coming weeks.

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  • ambient_temp_xenoB
    10 months ago

    It seems quite interesting and useful for story writing. The way it works positively invites you to jump in and steer it, if not during generation then afterwards.