So I have a device, it’s an IP Camera - yes I’m aware of the security implications and will be making sure it is firewalled off but for now, lets assume there’s no restrictions in place for the purposes of troubleshooting.

I plug it in to Homelab A - it works fine, gets an IP address, can view the stream, no issues.

I set a static IP address when at Homelab A to the same range as Homelab B, and I can ping it while located at Homelab A with a device that has the same IP address range as Homelab B

I take it to Homelab B, and plug it in, and it doesn’t get an IP address if it’s set to DHCP. It has worked once before, but not since then. I’ve tried the following -

  • Set a Static ip address when it was plugged in at Site A, then taken it to Site B - nada.
  • When the camera was set to DHCP, could see layer 2 traffic from the camera occasionally.
  • Factory reset the IP Camera
  • Factory reset the main switch at Homelab B
  • Tried different cables
  • Tried putting a switch between IP Camera and main switch
  • Tried plugging it straight into the hypervisor server and pinging it from there
  • Tried Setting the switch port to half duplex,100mbit, full duplex, gigabit, all sorts of combinations

The switch at Homelab A is a TP-Link Jetstream 24 port.

The switch at Homelab B is a Cisco SG300

Both homelabs run Proxmox.

Is there anything else I can try to see if I can get this IP Camera working before I throw in the towel?

  • SirLagzOPB
    11 months ago

    Brought the camera back to homelab A, double checked IP address, still on the correct range.

    Put a device onto same subnet, can ping it.

    Going to try and set it back to DHCP and take it back to Homelab B and see what happens again.