I have decided I want to get 32MB or RAM. I assume its cheaper to buy elsewhere but is it worth the uncertainty vs just buying directly from Framework?
Is this https://www.amazon.com/Crucial-5600MHz-5200MHz-4800MHz-CT16G56C46S5/dp/B0BLTDRRLF/ref=sr_1_2?crid=2QR8M6CIJKNCJ&keywords=16GB%2BDDR5-5600%2BSO-DIMM&qid=1698300741&sprefix=16gb%2Bddr5-5600%2Bso-dimm%2Caps%2C228&sr=8-2&th=1 compatible with the 13?
Dude 32MB RAM is way too little even for the most basic Linux distributions.
Seriously though, that RAM should work fine.
Still more RAM than the Apollo missions (4KB). But yeah, I meant 32GB.