Weird question maybe but I find myself being so sensitive at times that I have to put down the book I’m reading and wait some time before I read again.

It can be for example when it all is looking dark and I don’t think thing are going to turn around. It’s silly I guess but I feel so overwhelmed and nervous that I need a break at times.

I’m reading the last chapter in Simon Scarrows book The honor of Rome. Reading the last chapters and I just know things are going to go bad. Or at least I fear it will so I have to take a break before reading again.

I know it’s silly but wondered if someone else felt the same at times.

  • IzumbuB
    10 months ago

    Sure! It sounds like the book “Kite Runner” really affected you emotionally. Putting it down for two months and not picking it back up yet shows that the story might have struck a deep chord within you. You might be feeling sensitive because the book touched on themes or events that resonate strongly with your emotions or personal experiences. It’s completely okay to feel that way—it just goes to show how impactful and powerful literature can be in connecting with our feelings and experiences.