I started playing league few time ago, like 2 months, I immediately started loving the role of the jungler and Lillia, my main, I blind pick her almost every game to learn the character as good as I can, I found myself improving very quickly learning tricks, paths and game mechanics but something I’m not used to yet is flame. It happened some times that I got killed in early games making the enemies snowball. My teammates have flamed me calling me names and stuff making me both offended and tilted, after these things I’m unable to think and I play even worse. Any tips? I just wanna become better at the game but it feels so difficult when the team is constantly flaming you in the chat

  • Report_YasuoB
    1 year ago

    The jungle role is arguably the most impactful in the game. If you excel in this role, you possess some of the highest carry potential. However, many people fail to realize that if you perform poorly as a jungler and the enemy jungler is decent, the game becomes incredibly miserable for the other four people on your team. When your jungler decides not to prioritize objectives, securing them becomes exceedingly challenging. When your jungler refuses to invade against champions like Eve or Hecarim, they tend to scale and snowball, eventually becoming unstoppable 1v9 forces, all because your jungler failed to address them when they were weaker. Moreover, when your top laner faces a ranged opponent, and your jungler neglects to gank for the struggling top laner who’s pushed under the tower, The game quickly becomes incredibly hard to win. While laners can occasionally assist, the jungle role almost always has the potential to make a difference. The responsibilities placed on junglers are notably overwhelming, which is inherently unhealthy and often has a detrimental impact on games. While laners should refrain from blaming the jungler, it’s still the responsibility of junglers to discern whether their laners are frustrated due to a skill-related issue or if it’s the jungler’s fault. Junglers often fail to realize how much they can impact their allies’ lanes negatively. The only solution, as always, is to alleviate some of the responsibilities of junglers, possibly by nerfing the role. Muting is a viable solution as well, but some players will continue to flame and lose their composure; you just won’t be aware of it as much. Until the role is nerfed sufficiently or until you become excellent at it, laners will never stop flaming, as the jungler wields the most power, so human nature will place the blame on the jungler. Therefore, the best advice is to become accustomed to it and mute when the situation gets very bad until one of those two conditions get met.

    • minminq2uOPB
      1 year ago

      And I’m well aware of that, but as a beginner i do make mistakes and I don’t want to be crucified for that, i have to start learning somewhere, it feels like league isn’t really beginner friendly. Playing a champ that isn’t inherently broken doesn’t help but I promise i do my best, my winrate is also pretty high with good UMA in average. It just happens to have bad games but when it happens i feel overwhelmed by the team that has 0 tolerance, i wrote the post after a really bad game where I scored 4/10 and got flamed and reported by some mates so I was very emotional. I truly look forward to learn