
2024 might be the first time we see Canyon and Showmaker on different teams.

We may get a totally different DK roster, including their Challengers jungler Lucid taking the spot of Canyon.

Showmaker staying is a big sigh of relief, at least for me as a DK fan, but it’s also bittersweet that Canyon might look for a new team.

With Lucid likely starting now, I’m hoping this also means Thanatos is on the horizon as DK’s new starting top laner.

A 2024 lineup of:

  • TOP - Thanatos
  • JUNGLE - Lucid
  • MID - Showmaker
  • ADC - Viper
  • SUPPORT - Beryl

Should be able to win domestically. Maybe even do this:

  • TOP - Thanatos
  • JUNGLE - Lucid
  • MID - Showmaker
  • ADC - Rahel
  • SUPPORT - Bible

And they would still be competitive enough to perform well.