I have a wifi router at my house, At night which is peak performance hours ill have around 100mbps download and like 35mbps upload and during the day its fine ad long as im home alone, the second i hear my family park in front of the house the internet starts dying. I instantly go from 40 ping to very unstable ping around 150-300. Everyones phones arent using the wifi as ive told them to turn it off. The weirdest thing is the upload stays at around 30mbps but the download will go to as low as 1mbps. Is there anything i can do to fix this?. This is the best internet i can get in my area (as far as im aware)

  • Inevitable-Client966OPB
    10 months ago

    The antenna thingy is really high up on the house with nothing possible getting its way, the internet works perfectly with no one home or with everyone asleep. Bad weather also messes with it pretty hard