Not entirely sure how much online I’ll play, or Zombies. Although I’m likely to give them both a go. But I’d like to play a solid campaign.

Both Cold War and Vanguard are on Sale for a reasonable price, so I was considering picking one up. But I wanted to get a feel for which one is better.

  • soggyblotterB
    1 年前

    I haven’t owned a CoD game in like 10 years. I bought MW3 the other day because I was bored and I’m like 40 so the price is what I spend on one Uber Eats. I’m having some fun, there are a bunch of game modes now and its the same weapon level up stuff or whatever. But honestly if you don’t already own Baldurs Gate 3, buy that. If you just want a new FPS to shoot stuff, MW3 works.