Little story: I went to test drive a 2014 V6 accord at a major used car dealer and the finance manager came out with a little spiel- ’oh, you want to drive the VEE SICKS?? Wow’. I want to think he said this because I’m 23, but it’s otherwise bullocks, they had Porsches and Maseratis on the lot. Anyways, on the test drive I gave it some power on a straight, empty road, and the salesperson (in the car with me) freaked out.

Are there unspoken rules when test driving? Personally, I would want to actually experience how it drives before I buy.

  • JamieebeauB
    11 months ago

    I used to sell motorbikes, and not cheap ones either (the brand rhyms with e m troubleyou).

    My persona would probably give off that I’m a pretty wreckless/carefree person. I used to joke with my customers that “I’ll either keep up or catch up” when taking them on rides. Some guys would maybe break the speed limit by 5km. Others would clap the bikes out to 240 in a 100km zone. I’d always keep up.