I mean just look at their individual head to head, the god of top, TheShy vs Zeus, the god of choke. In the jungle we have Weiwei, rookie of the year, the jungler who transformed Weibo into the best team in the world, vs Oner, the player with no macro or pathing. In mid we have the 3 time MSI champion vs some random called Shaker, imagine winning only 2 MSIs, wouldn’t be Xiaohu lmaooo. In bot we have Light, the truth, the hope, vs Chokayusi. Finally in support we have 2019 world champion, the best ranged support player ever, Crisp, vs the legendary fraud monster Keria. T1 have ABSOLUTELY 0 chance of even getting a kill, they will get perfect gamed 3 games in a row, ggez for Weibo.

  • PhanthB
    10 months ago

    Mid lane is very interesting because both Faker and Xiaohu have such unique strengths, Faker is better at teamfighting, laning, macro, and micro, but Xiaohu is better at speaking Chinese, excited to see how this matchup turns out.