Hello, I’m a League of Legends player since 2016, but started with MOBAs with Dota 1 before that. I want to start playing Dota 2 since I got bored of League, but I know Dota is at least 30 times harder than League. Any advice on how I should approach the game as a newcomer? What should I do for starters, and what should I avoid?

If it makes it easier, I remember I used to play Vengeful Spirit and Rubick in Dota 1, and I am a support main in League. Thank you in advance! (And sorry for my bad english, I’m not native)

  • AlphaNMSB
    10 months ago

    Paging u/TZAR_POTATO please report to the lobby. TZAR_POTATO to the lobby.

    Really tho, check out Tzar_Potato’s youtube channel, specifically makes videos for transitioning to Dota2 feom LoL.

    Grubby has some great videos of himself learning the game over the course of a year. Very good watch, he does a great job of vocalizing his thought process.

    PurgeGamers also has some good content on youtube. Although a lot of it is more advanced.

    If you are looking for how/where to start in game, the tutorial is the obvious first place, and then playing against bots for a while. Pick a few heroes and stick to them initially so you can focus on the fundamentals (positioning, last hitting, map, etc).

    And finally but most important, have fun!