Hello, I’m a League of Legends player since 2016, but started with MOBAs with Dota 1 before that. I want to start playing Dota 2 since I got bored of League, but I know Dota is at least 30 times harder than League. Any advice on how I should approach the game as a newcomer? What should I do for starters, and what should I avoid?

If it makes it easier, I remember I used to play Vengeful Spirit and Rubick in Dota 1, and I am a support main in League. Thank you in advance! (And sorry for my bad english, I’m not native)

  • verytoxicbehaviourB
    10 months ago

    Hey broski,

    Read up on Tzar Potato guides, focus on 1-2 heroes you feel like you enjoy - there’s a demo mode , when you click on the hero , so you can test spells to see a couple - if you like how it moves, how cool it looks and how the spells you press work ( infinite spells available in demo mode), then try some bot games - bots are really bad right now, but maybe a few just to see what’s going on. If you like Veng bonus points it’s good now. There are pinned guides in game you can follow too for items , no need to browse the web - ImmortalFaith and TorteDeLini, I’d recommend the second option to a newbie as they are more straightforward and less situation + some of ImmortalFaith guides are straight up grief as a general build.

    I don’t have any time for coaching more people unfortunately and I have experience with league… in 2012 , but feel free to drop me message if you ever feel like you are stuck with something and can’t figure it out, maybe I can go over the replay for you see what’s up if you can’t articulate it.

    Good luck , don’t forget to type ez in all chat after your first win where you probably will die like 5 times first 10minutes lmao

    Enjoy dotka.