Dancing video today in his very tight underwear that looks like it’s been stuffed.
He is so desperate got attention and complements. It’s so immature and narcissistic.

I really hope no one else falls for his love bombing and narcissistic lies.

One of the latest … yesterday he was bragging in a comment that he “owns a house in Florida” and he would plans to renovate it. Then in another comment he says it’s his mother’s house but he’s going to buy it from his brothers.

Ummmm Scott, first, your mom is not anywhere near dead. And already planning on that is horrible. Second, you just declared your 4th bankruptcy, and have tax liens and lawsuits to pay off. Just where are you going to get the funds (or the credit) to buy them out???

  • Flimsy_Lobster_4880OPB
    10 months ago

    And I do the same thing! It’s an absolute mess to watch … but I gotta get my daily fill!