I’ve seen a lot of people talk about how fortunate T1 is that this ranged bot lane meta is happening right when they are making their worlds run. I’ve also seen people argue that T1 is the one that redefined the meta and that without Keria, everyone would still be prioritizing Xayah/Kai’sa. On one hand, it’s hardly like ranged supports were absent in the Swiss stage and quarters with champs like Renata, Milio, and a few others being picked a decent amount. On the other hand, it’s also true that following T1 vs LNG, bot lane priority has completely shifted with melee supports basically disappearing on both sides of the bracket. Which side do you lean towards?

  • detectivehaysB
    10 months ago

    Yes, being mechanically superior to your opponents is meta. If Gumayusi doesn’t outplay Zeri and Aatrox with Varus, T1 loses game 4. If Kanavi doesn’t int with Bel’Veth 3 times in a row, JDG wins. Varus there didn’t counter Zeri & Aatrox, he used flash mechanic perfectly, cancelled animations and kiting was godly.

    Easy to be hindsight merchant and call them meta prophets, when they were just better mechanically. If they weren’t, no counter-pick would’ve saved them.