Her kit is just not right. She has a left click that is absurdly strong against many tanks, is easy to charge, turrets, etc.

The only part of her kit that isn’t lazy and also surprisingly good is her teleporter, which you can do a lot of cool stuff with.

I just got out a game where I demolished this poor tank player who cycled between diva, hog, sigma, and junkerqueen, and couldn’t do anything against me holding left click aggressively with some turrets. I also felt so lazy, the whole game. Other characters are way more involved than her.

  • browsersinsidestoryB
    10 months ago

    the problem with Symmetra is shes been reworked and rebalanced so much that she has no identity anymore. I couldnt tell you whether the devs want her to be in brawly comps, poke comps, or even dive comps with teleport at this point since it feels like eveyr balance change to her moves her role around.

    At this point I honestly believe its tome to revisit support Symmetra