I’m using Artix Linux and recently I’ve made another account on my PC for my cousin to play my games without fiddling with my files and account, but although I managed to share my games with him and get Steam to detect my secondary HDD, any attempt to install or update the games gives the “missing files privilege” message

And yes, I’ve given permission to the user to access, write and execute on my HDD (chmod 774 if I recall correctly, and I also gave permission on an files and folders aswell with the -R option) and although giving chmod 777 would probably solve the issue, I really don’t want to due to how unsafe it is and the potential security risks that might come with it

Does anyone know if there’s a way to solve this issue?

  • p9hEqFwKFHDoWNUB
    10 months ago

    Make a group and add both users to the group. Then change ownership to your user and that group.