A tattoo artist asked me to help him open his shop. (I do consulting)

So I wrote up a contract for our partnership and asked for 15%(to be paid monthly) plus $5000 when we opened (which he agreed to) and waived the fees for the video.

He had an investor for $20k that said he’d invest once the LLC and basics were up and running.

I need to mention, I have a service dog. She’s always with me and he knew that. She stays attached to a waist harness even when I’m working or filming. I love it!

He started our endeavor by telling me “You can have your dog until we are open but once we are open I don’t want the dog in here” I explained that he can’t do that due to law. I also showed him health code that I would be in an office so I wouldn’t be near the tattoo surgical area. (I have all the texts) He said “I don’t care. I don’t want a dog in my business or people to think somethings wrong with you”

I said “Well…We will have to talk about that when we get there” and he just said “👍” via text.


Here’s a list of what I did for him over the period of the first 30 days before the open

  • I registered an LLC and EIN/TAX # with all of his info. Set up a bank acct

  • Affadavit to the tattoo board (because he’s a felon)

  • Set up his local and state health inspections. ALL passed.

  • Did all of his website design and 3d design as well as got him a sponsorship for $5k in free tattoo gear.

  • In the middle of all this I did his wedding photos for him and his wife for free.

The investor came through with the $20k so I said “Ok well its time to pay” and he comes back with “Ah man with the new baby and all the bills I’ve got this money has to go straight to the business”

I explained “I AM one of your bills and I’m the only reason the business is operating”

So I sent him invoices and a legal lawsuit warning saying he had 30 days to pay me HALF of what he owned and I wouldn’t sue. I offered a payment plan and everything.

His WIFE responded "Fuck you he ripped the contract so its not valid. 😅 That’s not how that works.

I continued to send legal letters for almost 90 days as my lawyer said the more I try peacefully the better it will be in court.

He literally blocked me on everything and also told me “to go fuck myself” and how I was trying to “scam him” which is absurd. 6 months later: I got all the audio and text messages about the service dog. I reported him to the ADA and the tattoo board. He was also cutting corners health wise and within his first month of being open had no help and had no idea how to run a business. I sent it all off to the proper authorities and now he’s getting shut down.

Also he was just hit with a $25,000 lawsuit + fees

Just wondering if that’s too harsh. Plus I needed to get this off my chest. AITA?

  • WiseguyPokerClubOPB
    10 months ago

    It was armed robbery. He gave me a sob story about how “drugs made him do it”. I am a person that believes in 2nd chances. Hell, I was on both sides of the law myself. Never caught a felony though or committed armed robbery lol… He seemed successful and capable of making money AND HE WAS…But through shady ways…The investor he has will never see an ROI either.

    I’m honestly done consulting after this one. I’m focusing on my own endeavors. I’m using this experience tho to help others that’s for sure!