He has been complaining about his behavior score, and now he has went and purchased a boost for it. Check his turbo games being played by some Russian booster 5-stacks over the last 48 hours. Notice when he comes back to stream his score will be +3000 higher.

How is he allowed to do this in openly, but some players get banned constantly over nothing? Valve please ban this player. Set an example that this isn’t okay.

  • CowboyBiologistB
    1 年前

    To add to it, right now in the current system it’s far easier for bad actors or spiteful people to drag you down, than you can climb by being pma. You can see up to 1500 behavior vanish in one report below 6k, just because of abuse. Where as good effort may net you +300 (old system you could getl like +800 from good conduct).

    Reddit is jumping the hate train because of who it is, but I got a feeling this will be just like Quinn and we will get some apology and behavior refund in the near future.