I can’t climb and my team always blames me no matter what, right now i lost a game where i was in 98% of kills, closest from my team was in 58% of kills, i can’t hit raxes cuz of AA, yet again every single one blamed me when they did nothing. A game before that i had a horrible Magnus pos5 who did nothing, went to bounty rune minute 3, kept trying to skewer enemies on a hill near small camp yet he could skewer to t1 tower, during laning stage we almost killed pos3 but all magnus did was skewer once that’s it, he didn’t even try to hit then, thought i would kill, enemy pos3 just used lotus and surived in 80 hp, Magnus could do like 3 hits. My NW was around 3k only minute 10, enemy pos3 5k and 2 lvl ahead of me, i was underleveled. Still managed to become #1 nw minute 20 at 12k nw, i was playing very clean, went to hit buildings, tank every damage, but still we lost and everyone in my team blamed me only.