Ive been playing minecraft for 13 years or so [stopped counting on 13] (started playing the og versions in 2010) and lately Ive been stuck playing older version because 1.17+ lags my PC like HELL, even at 2 render distance and no smooth lighting, tho its odd that my PC can run ark with 60 FPS (OG), not to mention minecraft is in no way a taxing game on the PC…

here are my pecs (I give minecraft 10GB of ram to work with):

CPU Model: Intel® Core™ i5-6400 CPU @ 2.70GHz
CPU Info: Intel64 Family 6 Model 94 Stepping 3, GenuineIntel

any idea on what to do ? [IM NOT THAT OLD IM 18]

  • brassplushieB
    10 months ago

    You need sodium. It’s a major game changer. It’s one of those things that once you have it, you can’t believe you didn’t have it before. And here’s why.

    Sodium comes with Entity Culling enabled by default. This makes it so only things you’re actually looking at are rendered for viewing. Minecraft suffers from the most criminal optimization of any game running (that I know of). It sucks that it takes a mod to do it, but install sodium and it’ll change your experience.