I managed to find the motivation to try to climb this season again.
Right now i have about 54% WinR which indicates i play above my actual rank right?
Well the Systems tries its hardest to stop any climb.
+19 for a Win and -30 for a loss.
I understand my mmr is way lower blabla but that shouldnt be the case? I shouldnt get punished for winning games and getting better at the game?
This is so stupid and its the reason i stopped playing in all the other seasons as well.
I get to a point with my account where i get no points for winning but -2313123 for a loss.
BTW: on a Smurf i managed to climb easily to Dia. On my main i slowly get hardstucked again at Emerald 4…
Ye my “main” is d4 with shit gains because i fucked around on it last season after shit placements and playing offrole. Other acc is d1 and still has positive gains 1w1L is like +7 or 8. It kinda sucks because i would rather play on my main with all champs and skins. But its just a miserable experience with lp gains and the overall bracket its in playwise.
how to argue about this topic with redditors 101
your: “I lose more LP than I win”
Redditor: " thats because your MMR is lower than your rank. the system is fine, just win more and it’ll fix itself"
you: “but I’m winning more than I’m losing,. why is my MMR lower than my rank”
redditor: " are you blaming the system for your own rank. you belong where you belong"