Weibo have won the coin toss and have selected blue side.


Yes, it took them the entire media event to flip a coin. And yes, the coin toss was also decided by the dark energies of the head referee.

Also, it feels like WBG needed to win this coin toss, will they ban out Faker’s champion pool like some are mentioning?
Will Weibo permaban the J4 as they did vs Xun?
Will Weibo leave the neeko up? Or will T1 permaban it as they did vs Knight and Scout?
What about the Rumble question, can both top laners beat this champion? T1 threw an early gank through smart pathing by Oner to set the Rumble behind, how will Weibo answer?

The draft will be very interesting between these teams.

  • One_Natural_8233B
    10 months ago

    Weibo stole all of KT’s luck, I see… They have been so lucky since the start of the tournament lol