Hey all,

I’ve had a really hard time trying to work out why I dislike Alcaraz and Rune. Now please don’t get me wrong, they are great players and they actually seem like really nice guys, and this is why I have been so confused as to why I can’t seem to get on board with them.

That was until, I watched the Djokovic vs Sinner match last night ( what a great match btw!)

Anyway, I think the reason I can’t seem to take to Alcaraz and Rune is because of the constant back and forth with their teams. I know this may sound ridiculous but I find it really annoying, along with the constant fist pumping to them after every point. Watching Sinner play last night was really pleasant as although he is one of the “younger” ones, he doesn’t seem to have that incessant need to chat and communicate to his box after every point.

I’m not sure if I really like the coaching rule as it stands at the moment. It would be really interesting to see how players, such as Alcaraz and Rune would cope without it.

Anyway, that’s my thoughts, as silly as that sounds!

  • Psychological_Bug676B
    10 months ago

    What a lame reason to dislike a player. Maybe try to focus on the tennis that is being played next time instead of whatever the hell players do with their boxes. Hope that helps!

    • No_Neighborhood6856OPB
      10 months ago

      I knew I’d get some comments like this haha. The reason for my post was that I had no idea why I disliked them given that they are great players and seem like ok guys. How they act around the court and their interactions is an OK reason to dislike a player. And at the end of the day, it’s just my opinion.