I know there has been quite a bit of hate on Zu lately, even from myself, but today opened my eyes and confirmed some things for me.

1st. Zu actually bothers Jocic. For some weird reason, I think Zu is ideally built for him, like Zu is perfectly slow sort of thing along with his size.

So much so, that at some point, the nuggets made a concerted effort to have jocic got at him to try and get him in foul trouble, this was obvious.

They would NOT do this in such an obvious manner if he didn’t bother him. And this is BIG. We actually have a fairly decent answer to slow him down (yes I know his numbers were great today, but the Clippers coaching staff missed the obvious concerted effort to get Zu out of the game, and then they further failed by not putting Zu back in and at the right time).

I’ve seen Zu perform well against Jocic before and watched closely to make sure my eyes were NOT deceiving me. It was confirmed when Zu actually blocked Jocic (I don’t believe this happens to him often) and started making Jocic think twice when shooting near Zu, for awhile ( before the concerted effort).

Zu of course has a long way to improve and can definitely get into trouble in no man’s land along with a bunch of bone headed random plays, but when it’s 1 on 1 with Jocic, it really is pretty decent as far as anyone in the league slowing Jocic down goes.

OK, so onto some strategy, and one to start with is one I just mentioned the Nuggets did to the Clippers actually.

Here is the key, and this is a strategy I’ve always thought was a great one, you go after your threat by getting him in foul trouble, which is what jocic clearly attempted and succeeded with against Zu.

The Clippers actually tried this very clearly twice(nowhere near enough; besides the random offensive no call plays), being successful 1 out of two times with PJ tucker taking a Jocic charge, and then Mann doing the same but not getting the call. This was on defense and I loved it (and should be seen very often if playing small ball), but they needed to also do this on offense, right from the jump, play after play where the refs have no choice but to blow the whistle. Do it with Zu, Harden, whoever, right at the number one option or whoever is cooking. Either swing the ball, or use screens in the first part of the shot clock to get the target defending the ball with your ideal player to draw the foul. I say spread the energy around your own players but all on the one target player til he is taken out, then move on to the next best player, then go back to just scoring once they are out. If they do this every play, right from the start, in a VERY CONCERTED EFFORT, it shouldn’t take long especially if they are good with pump fakes and their pivot foots.

Another strategy I saw implored once that I want to see used more (and worked on thoroughly in practice), is Zu becoming a GOOD passing big.

Think about it, with all our fire power, this can be insane and a nice other go to option.

Last thing I want to see them try is a pick and roll with Harden and PG13 (often being the 2nd tallest guy out there). This can open up so much, even a third option pass to Zu who could pass or shoot from there.

Ty, send your offensive coordinator over to this post, you need serious help man.

  • Ikigai_MendokusaiB
    10 months ago

    Yes for some strange reason Jokic motivates Zu defense. Maybe his Croat grandfather got bitch-slapped by some Serbian grandpa idk, but it’s kinda funny to see. Maybe Zu needs to be brainwashed that all other bigs are Serbians too.