I drive a 1981 Toyota celica gt. The engine is the 2.4 l. The transmission is the 5 speed.

My exhaust broke off recently. I had a muffler shop weld on new pipes. The welding job appears to be done well, as far as I can tell there are no leaks (sprayed soapy water) on the pipes…but the car is running god aweful.

It appears to idle and start up just fine; but im unable to go over 40 miles an hour and it really struggles in second gear. It was running like this before the exhaust work; and i had the pipes welded because I could clearly see them broken.

Its also burning tons of fuel. As far as I can tell there are no vaccum leaks - but when I was screwing around with the air intake trying to get the car working, i made sure no hoses were lose and tightened down the wing nut on top of the carbs air filter cover. This gave me enough power to limp it home.

The car was running great a few months ago and almost nothing changed. Im suspecting that the carborator is flooding. Im going to try replacing it with a cheap one to see if that fixes the problem.

Is there anything else i should check or do?