The matchmaking over the past few months has been great, always decent well matched games (at least in my bracket)
Yesterday, me and my two Archon IV friends were matched against a divine player. Odd? He had queued with his guardian friend, which firstly i did not think was allowed (too much of a disparity between ranks), and obviously made for a terrible game.
Then, another game last night, we were matched against two Ancients, we had our own Ancient ranked player, a Sven who built arcane boots, pipe, midas, and did 9k damage in 42 minutes. He wasn’t griefing, he was trying his best bless him, needless to say we lost.
I cannot see that there has been any updates/changes? But this would never have happened just last week. It has been literally years since I was matched against a divine player.
So wtf is going on? 2 out of 3 games ruined yesterday by ridiculous mismatches.