I think my favorite is Sigma because his shield, absorption, and stun are all helpful in keeping himself from taking damage so I can focus on healing the rest of the team, and they can also be used to help us secure kills like placing his shield in front of supports to cut off heals, blocking a Widowmaker, using his stun to negate ults, etc. Plus I like that Sigma players usually seem keen to slowly but steadily push forward and stay with the group rather than run ahead out of range chasing kills.

Least favorite would probably be Doomfist. A good Doom is awesome and self reliant but I still find them often off by themselves, out of range of heals, while the enemy team is attacking the dps and supports and my attention is split so I usually ignore Doom and assume he’ll come back for heals but if he dies or we die it doesn’t much matter.

  • Zealousideal_Site706B
    10 months ago

    I’ll answer from both pov’s dps and tank (I’m a flex player)

    Worst tank: Ball: You motherf*cker protect me while I’m healing the team you’re not protecting, and pressuring the dps/supports YOU AREN’T DIVING

    Best tank: I honestly love having a Dva: they actually try to protect me while still attempting to dive. It works too because I don’t have to babysit them all game.

    Worst support: Moira: y’all need to realize that she isn’t that great, decent damage, good healing, but where is the value? Where is the additional push to make her a good fit? Bap has imo, mercy has dmg boost, ect… moira just can’t keep up in the value. But for those who play her right. Y’all are the best

    Best support: Ana, without a doubt. She is arguably the best support in the game (I would say at least) bio nade is a bitch, double healing on allies, 0 healing on enemies, a sleep dart that either secures a free kill, or helps me make space, Nano is a whole… just… 😩. God I love Nano as a ability, 50% damage intake, 50% damage dealt, a full heal on deployment. Not even to mention her healing, good god that hps is high, and she has reliable dps as well. A tip to all low rank ana players, don’t only Nano tank, a dps ult+Nano is devastating (most of the time) but yeah. Ana is very good