My favourite to play role/champ is Lee Sin support. I play him for 400+ soloq games already and occasionally with friends and it makes me want to only play him more he is even more fun than all my other favourite champs together. When I first started playing lee support I would have over 20 deaths a game because jeez the champ is hard to learn well, but thanks to me going in for insec plays 24/7 and limit testing every game even when very behind in gold/exp has made me improve a lot and now I can make some pretty cool plays. And I only rare end with 20+ deaths an now only like 12~16 deaths a game and my big plays and work more and it feels very satisfying. Any other support lee fans out there what made you play it and what has been your experience with support lee sin?

  • BrelorenB
    10 months ago

    No. And don’t queue between 7pm-10pm PST

  • bingbongzingzongzB
    10 months ago

    This is the type of posts that this subreddit needs, I want to hear about the Lee sin supports and all the other elo terrorists out there