My apologies for anyone who actually reads this essay I typed but I had to rant, also ik grammar and punctuations are pretty awful as well but I was just typing lol didn’t really care to go back and edit lol:

My god somethings mfs who actually dont understand the developmental side of basketball, especially when it comes to vic, is that hes shown the capability before already, we’ve seen him make nice shots, dunks, passes, Rebs etc. there is proof that he will eventually have all of the skill traits in his bag, but as of right now that may not be the case, again well see glimpses yes, but rn no not on a consistent basis, understand that IT WILL COME WITH TIME! especially while at the spurs organization, they are one of the most if not the greatest developmental organizations in sports. All this “well hes not doing it rn he looks weak, isn’t he supposed to be the goat??” bro no one said that y’all are the ones taking analyst statements out of context, understand what the term “prosect” means, he is the greatest prospect we’ve ever seen bc his skill and height, that’s it end of argument, bron wasn’t much of a shooter yet going into his draft and is 6’9, simply vic as a prospect has better traits, now since he is the greatest prospect we’ve seen yes his potential is very high, goat level potential even, but no one is saying as of rn he is already the best player in the world or of all time NOOOO??? that’s not what that means. but I will say as the season goes on people will realize he is already pretty damn good, that’s what makes him scary bc again if hes already showing us glimpses, just imagine in 5 years 3 years even. Ik I’ve already said a lot but gd this is exactly why I do not care for fox sports, tell me why tf do we have football players talking basketball? now really no shade towards key bc he is better than a lot of analysis that do so, but pls if you’re not equally devoted to study each sport do not talk about it, now obv I understand that being a former athlete doesn’t automatically make you a good analysis for your sport as well, I mean look at Gilbert arenas show, its a damn joke, majority of those people do not deserve to have that platform, same for I am athlete, they’re not as bad but they walk on thin ice a lot too. now before mfs start assuming im an ESPN glazer no, football wise ESPN can be a joke, admittedly I hate the cowboys just as much as Stephen a but even I know he can be extremely biased, but my god so many of their fb analysis are just plain awful, now ESPN basketball on the other hand, work of mf art and geniuses, great combo of personality with guys like perk and rj, and by far the best analytical crew with jj, Zach Lowe, windy, Tim legler, and all around professionalism, also Stephen a basketball wise is much better than he is football wise, and I can’t wait to see how Shannon does with the NBA crew as well now. skip all around is a joke, knows absolutely nothing about either sport , hell occasionally, very rarely lol have a good take but I mean what can you say you dont need to do a deep analysis for everything in sports journalism lol sometimes it does just take a simple look at surface level stats to debate, but my god sometimes he doesn’t even do that lmao he calls himself a spurs fan but knows nothing about this current roster, if you call yourself a sports analysis you should pride yourself in knowing your own damn favorite teams very well, like legit diehard spurs fans know that vic is currently around 230-235+, so for everyone that keeps bringing up this wight issue, mf you dont realize that at the start of last season vic weighed around 215, and the season before that 195, and the season before that 175!!! if you dont see how hes already putting on some weight very quickly you are a damn casual and know nothing about sports, that ends every single argument of “hes going to have to get bigger for the league he can’t be skinny forever” dude dont you think he knows that? HES BEEN KNOWN THAT, just look at his progression already hes flying up the scale!!! hes already stated that he would want to achieve close to similar physique as Giannis, not exactly but similar bc he knows that his physique rn is what keeps him capable of dribbling and moving around the court the way he does, notes out of KDs book, exactly why he never listened to people who told him the same bs when he was coming In the league.

  • blue-anonB
    11 months ago

    Okay, I’m gonna be honest - didn’t read your whole rant. But, my advice is to not watch content like this. Skip Bayless’ job is not to discuss sports. It’s to say things that get you to respond like you are - thus sharing his content and giving him more attention. This is why he often says things that are obviously ridiculous.