I know what you think. Why built another social network app when you have giants like facebook and instagram. Well, having been using those app since they existed, I feel less connected with my friends now. Post have become more ‘media’ oriented rather than ‘network’, I hardly know what they are doing now. So I created an app called Moment to bring back ‘network’ in social network.

With Moment, you only update what you currently doing, this can be what movie you are watching, what you are eating, what music you are listening to and even your feeling at the moment. All your status is sorted in days and you can view your friends status as well.

If this sounds interesting to you, you can try download it on https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bayaq.moment and https://apps.apple.com/my/app/moment-share-your-status/id6471358347


  • Bon_VisionsB
    10 months ago

    Realizing an idea into a product is never easy.

    Wishing you success in your endeavor!