I must be the only one here that doesn’t like the SD touchpads as they are usually prised but I can’t get used to them. They feel sooo clumsy to me, I wish they were just ordinary laptop trackpads to be honest, they seem much more precise.

I do wonder, I am alone on this? I am really hoping the OLED has better feeling on them.

  • DoubleJumpPunchB
    10 months ago

    You absolutely need to change the settings. For most games, they are not ideal at best, and usually downright bad.

    I made a detailed video guide explaining the settings I use.

    tl;dw? My suggestions:

    - Change Primary Click/Fire to Left Trigger: separates aiming and firing by hand, resulting in better overall control and comfort.

    - You can increase the Trackpad Press Threshnold if you press it accidentally a lot. The default is 4096 out of 32000 which is waaay too low for most uses, I raise it to over 9000.

    - Top-down games, twin-stick shooters, etc: try Trackpad as Mouse Region and configure the region to match the full screen. It’s an annoying process but once you get it right, you may find it feels better than the usual Trackpad As Mouse mode.

    First-person/third-person shooters

    - Reduce vertical scale significantly (I set mine 40 or below): you need to turn left and right accurately and quickly much more than you need to look up and down.

    - Some people love Trackball Emulation…I do for desktop, but find it hard to control for shooters. So I either turn it off or set it to High Friction and Vertical Friction to max 200.

    - Instead, I increase Sensitivity…I jack mine up so a full edge-to-edge swipe does a full 360, but you probably don’t need to go that high.

    - Then I use Gyro for fine aim. Use the new Gyro To Mouse mode which has the precision deadzone, to allow both steady aim and quick flicks to other targets.

    - Smoothing: try increasing to reduce unwanted movements. I often max out to 40 which complements gyro well: smooth, fast turning with trackpad, fine aim with gyro.

    The Deck’s thumbpads are actually very high resolution compared to standard laptop trackpads, and being thumb-based is a very key difference. So I’m the opposite, I wish laptops could somehow have trackpads more like the Deck’s.